by Shane Beyor
ESP™ feels that orbs are not a legit form of paranormal evidence. Those with background knowledge of photography know that there are just too many factors that could effect the photograph. If you have any photos with "Orbs" then you should check this warning list to authenticate the "para" from the "normal".
ESP™ feels that orbs are not a legit form of paranormal evidence. Those with background knowledge of photography know that there are just too many factors that could effect the photograph. If you have any photos with "Orbs" then you should check this warning list to authenticate the "para" from the "normal".
One of the most common sources for "Orbs" is Moisture. Moisture will reflect the flash on most digital cameras, the water in the air reflects the flash like hundreds of little mirrors, which will give you the appearance of white/translucent "Orbs"
*Another mistaken culprit can be Dust. Dust does basically the same thing as moisture. So be careful when taking pictures in attics, basements, or old buildings in general.
*Actual energy Orbs. It is a well known science fact that energy Orbs DO exist. So this does not necessarily mean that it is a spirit. The only correlation between entities and Orbs is the theory that entities draw energy from the environment around them, so hence "Where there's Orbs, There's Ghosts…."
*No Brainers, Such as (Camera Straps, Smudges, Dirt, etc.). Sounds dumb but it happens...
*These same things don't show up as often on film (i.e. 35mm) but when they do maybe you should consider the ladder.
©2006 East Side Paranormal™
This is the TEXTBOOK version of moisture Orb's. We took this in the middle of a fog, the streams in the back are the lights on a farm. This is another thing commonly mistaken as an entity.

©2006 East Side Paranormal™
I like this one because it shows the different, sizes, shades, and consistencies of the orbs.
©2006 East Side Paranormal™

©2006 East Side Paranormal™
As you can see in this picture it had been raining (note the dew drops on the wings) so this proves that moisture doesn't have to necessarily show itself as orbs, but as possibly a ghostly shroud.
©2006 East Side Paranormal™
BUGS!. Bugs are the worst things in the world and can create some of those most disappointing pictures. They fly, and create glowing splotches on the picture. But you can mainly tell by the wings, body, or just by their oval apperance.
1 comment:
The photos that we get are nothing like the moisture/dust ones you posted here; it's not very scientific to try and expand a conclusion over a larger number of experiences than you yourself can actually experience.
By the way, how come images of Orbs appear in all the cultures of the world, way before the invention of the camera?
It's dangerous to believe in something without proof, but since you have set up a "service" you obviously have some sort of belief - or disbelief, if you will, and that by definition excludes the alternative - only because that is how you see it, and then set off to support those things which agree with your own view.
The polarization between "normal" and "paranormal" is a falsehood. There are no such things in reality. Nor is there any "supernatural" stuff - only that which exists/happens, whether on the outer or the inner layers, with a slower or higher frequency in time. Do we make up false images and ideas about these phenomena? YES. But everyone is guilty of this, not just the group on the other side of the fence from you.
As for the "proof" that there can't be any ghosts if we can show there are technological devices which create a physical effect? Who said that these two things exclude one another? You set off from the cultural assumption that what is "religious" and what is "scientific" must by all means exclude each other, like the material vs the spiritual. In reality, these have never been separated - only our different, overly specialized languages have made it seem like they were. In other words: what the religious man calls "A host of Angels" a scientific man calls "a spiral Galaxy" or whatever, but they are the same thing - dealt with, in its different aspects. Both of these ways of understanding bring ultimate joy to that individual onlooker. All the Universe is composed of Electromagnetic Forces in various forms, it's just that different people have different ways of relating to those precise aspects that they choose to see.
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