Thursday, March 20, 2008

Electromagnetic Fields & You!

by Shane Beyor

Hey, It's Shane again. Figured since we had nothing but talk about EMFs on our last investigation, I figured it'd be a good idea to take a minute to talk about what they really are and how they can effect an investigation.

What Are They?

An Electromagnetic Field is a physical field that is produced by electrically charged objects and affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field. The electric field is produced by stationary charges, and the magnetic field by moving charges (currents); these two are often described as the sources of the field. One can ask What is the difference between an electric field and a magnetic field? Actually both are usually all around us, since they are present wherever there is electricity. Both an electric and a magnetic field exist around power lines, appliances, light fixtures, and electric wiring; but electromagnetic fields are generated only when current is flowing through a wire. The voltage on a wire produces electric fields. A good thing to remember is an electric current flowing in a wire or coil produces its own magnetic field. A good way to test for this without an EMF detector is a compass needle will swing at right angles to the wire.

The Ghost Theory

The theory is that ghosts feed off energy, what better source that Electromagnetic Fields? And if there's un-natural EMFs then there's a possibility that there may be a ghost connected to the phenomenon. The end result is a cue to start taking IC Recordings (EVP Sweeps), pictures, film, etc.

How Do They Effect People?

Some scientists have proven that high EMF disorients people, makes them sick, and thereby making them susceptible to hallucinations, paranoia, and other "Paranormal" phenomenon. EMF can also cause in some cases migraines and naseua. We think that this is why some people think that they have encountered ghosts where there are high EMF readings. Which is hard to dispute with scientific backing.

Tools of the Trade and Tips

East Side Paranormal™ uses two different types of EMF detectors, well one now... But that will be discussed later. Some tips that need to be remembered are...The Tips+ Do a dry-run of the building that you're investigating. See if you can find leaks or any other natural sources of EMF. If you can find some, then you shouldn't use an EMF detector in that area.+ Check all sources of electrical interaction. I.e. Light switches, Outlets, Appliances, even radiators, etc. And if it's possible, ask to poke around the basement. Check for copper pipes, loose wires, foil insulation, and ask were their power box/ fuse boxe (s) are. Make sure to note where they run too for later on in your investigation. + Finally be rational. If you start to get readings, take a breath and start looking for a source right away. You don't want to take too long just in case it is in fact an entitiy. Do a quick search for the above listed culprits, and if none pan out then proceed with EVP and Photo sweeps.The Tools

As I stated before we DID use two EMF detectors. 1 is the lamely titled "Ghost Meter", and the other was the "ElectroSensor". We've found that the "ElectroSensor" may be good for casual sweeps in the professional realm, but for ghost hunting it's just not very good. You have to hold a button and it's very touchy so it doesn't give very accurate readings. It doesn't give instant results and the lowest Mg (Milligauss) reading is 1.5. So we've decided to retire the "ElectroSensor" into the East Side Paranormal™ relics vault.

The "Ghost Meter" on the other hand is very handy (har har...puns...). The red section actually lights up and blinks according to the amount of Mg going through it, which helps when you may have a flash light to see slight fluctations. It has an audible alarm that beeps in synch with the light, and it has a button that you push on and off. No holding it down, turn it on and just do you sweeps. You could even lay it on a table or bed during EVP sweeps.Overall the "Ghost Meter" is just as the package claims (Fun-Simple-Thrilling!).

So there's my little blurb about EMFs for those who didn't quite understand them, or just wanted to hear me rant (haha). The "Ghost Meter" is actually reasonably priced for those who don't have one. You can purchase one at Ghost Hunter

Until next time, Happy Hunting!

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